Wednesday, November 24, 2004

blogger needs to go back to anonymous...

because this is the 4th blog I've... wait.. 5th blog I have. What is up with that? Oh I know what it is, you can't post anonymously anymore.... dorks.

Anyway I guess I can post yet more stuff here too... I'm interested in seeing how customizable it really is. We'll find out I suppose.

So anywho, I got home last night (Tuesday), drove through some snow to get back to Hays. Rather, mom drove through it. I'm trying to get around without my pain meds, and I seem to be doing better. I took a shower this morning which felt amazing. I got really tired though after eating lunch, so I took a nap (a three hour long nap!)... I walked a few laps around the house, folded some laundry, went upstairs, came back down... now i'm watching CSI. Yay for that!

Mom's making her fried chicken for dinner, I always like it when she does that.


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