Sunday, December 05, 2004


Ahhh. What a past two weeks.

Some people complain that their lives are boring right now *coughs*Groebe*cough* but you know what? I'd totally trade for it at this point. I don't know how much more excitement this old girl can handle.

So... yeah. Last week was the whole Topeka show blurring into getting my appendix out the next day into Thanksgiving... well this past week... aye. I can't go into many details because its kind of a government issue, but yeah, this week... work was NUTS.

What I can say was that I was only doing my job, shut off someone's internet in the dorms for violating network policy, only to find stuff on his server he was running that now has the FBI and Homeland Security type people crawling around campus and asking questions. Most of the info was public knowledge anyway. I had to make a statement Friday that was going to be given to the KSUPD, the RileyCo PD, and possibly the feds. Its downright creepy, I don't really like the fact that the government is looking over my shoulder even more now than normal... I don't handle this kind of stress well.

Anyway... yeah. I'm feeling much better than I was, I'm only having issues with the fact I can't bend over all the way yet, and it still hurts to sleep a little bit. Its healing up though, the incision marks from my bellybutton are almost gone.

Alright, I gotta go do a secret shop over at the mall. Wheeee its raining. Catch y'all laters.


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