Saturday, May 28, 2005

Mission #98 - Madagascar

Mission #98 - Watch a Movie (50pts) (150pts if in a theatre)

While at home with this folks this Memorial Day weekend, we went and saw Madagascar, a funny tale about animals in a zoo, and what might happen if they got out. Thats all I'm going to say because you really need to see it for anything I'd say about it to make sense.

I thought it was a pretty good movie overall though. Generally for the kids (it was hard to hear Chris Rock's harshest word be "heck"), there was a lot of adult humor with it, spoofing such things as Planet of the Apes, The Twilight Zone, Zoolander, and that internet video clip of the chimpanzee smelling his finger after scratching his rear and falling off the tree.

This one will probably end up in my DVD collection when it gets released.


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