Saturday, June 18, 2005

Mission #98 - Visit States

Mission #96 - Visit States (100pts)

I visited the great state of Nebraska (more specifically Lincoln, NE) on Friday night. It was an interesting drive between the mud flinging, the train that stopped me near Marysville, the lack of windshield wiper fluid, getting there as soon as The Famed started their fist song *phew!*... and then the drive back that was plagued with me nodding off at the wheel and actually making myself car sick (hello, the driver isn't supposed to get car sick!)... but luckily there were no bronotsauruses... brontosaurii... no dinosaurs pimp strutting across K-77 at least.


At 2:25 PM, Blogger Big Red said...

Yes!! You visited Nebraska. Good for you. You are now a better person for having done so.

I'm glad you did.



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