Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Its like getting an extra McNugget...

... or like you get two nuggets stuck together.

Lately I've been having a run of this. I remember carving a pumpkin at Game Night to find that some of the seeds inside had already started sprouting. This time, its a little different. I am making meatloaf for dinner (eh I had a craving. And the ingredients on hand... as well as being cold. Nothing like baking things when its cold)... and its real simple from what mom says. I started to cut up my green pepper, and upon cutting it in half, something fell out. Another freak of nature, like the Siamese McNuggets... there was another little pepper inside of it.

The world works in mysterious ways.

Update on the meatloaf adventure:
My smoke alarm apparently works.

Learned several other new things today about meatloaf. Chop the veggies up finely. Add more crackers. Use 85/15 or 90/10 hamburger. Don't fill up the pan so much, bbq sauce and grease on the broiler plate in my oven = invisible smoke that sets off my alarm.

The tiny pepper was tasty, in case you wanted to know.

The meatloaf itself wasn't too bad other than the overabundance of grease, and the crunchy veggies.


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