Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Project BSE handicap...

I was thinking... a lot of the folks involved with Project Best Summer Ever were able to spend their entire summer working on missions. However, some of us work 40 hours a week... yeah. It makes for earning points a lot more difficult as there may not be time to take long car trips to visit friends, stay up all night (especially when you have to be at work in the morning at 7:30am), etc.

Based on my calculations, PBSE started on May 14, and ends on Aug 21 (classes begin on Aug 22 at KSU), which equals 100 days (14 weeks, 2 days). 100 days x 24 hours = 2400 hours. I began working on June 6th, working 40 hours a week. Of these 11 weeks approximately I worked 40 hours a week, which equals 440 hours unavailable to BSE missions. 2400/1960 (2400 hours - 440 hours = 1960) =1.22.

My belief is that I shall multiply my total points by 1.22 to give a very small handicap (I was unable to take vacation time as I was not allowed to even TAKE vacation days and could not make trips longer than a night or so, and yet I still drove back). So my current points, along with the handicap would be as follows:
11500 pts x 1.22 = 14030 points.

I think thats only fair, right?


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