Monday, March 21, 2005

Another weekend...

Another weekend down the drain. I always look forward to Adult Swim on Sunday nights, but at the same time it means that the weekend is over.

I should go to bed, I need to get up early so I can get that whole job searching thing done, and then sit my ass down and watch the CSI marathon on Spike. While doing that, I can go through hockey cards, or maybe work some more on my scarf I'm crocheting.

In other news, the weekend was alright, I suppose. I owe Aaron big for it. The Topeka Tarantulas ended their season Saturday night with a loss in OT/Shoot out to the OKC Blazers. I will give them credit, they have improved their gameplay since the last game I went to (their season opener). But they still ended their season with a record of 16-39-5... and there is word that the Tarantulas may not be around next season, unless investors are willing to pick up the tab... But I digress. Went to a Mexican restaurant called Serapes, it was pretty decent. A little expensive, but most things are expensive to me. After the game, went to Steak 'N Shake and got a cookies and cream milkshake. It was yummy. And like I said, I owe Aaron big, he paid for most of my trip.

I've got a busy week ahead of watching CSI. It appears its going to rain most of the week.. so that gives me that much more reason to stay in and watch.


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