Monday, November 29, 2004

Quiznos did it again.

Ahhh and crappy Cox internet.

Phil, Patrick and I ordered the Turkey Hangover special from and after an hour and a half of waiting (and Phil calling me from class saying "is my food there yet?") a call was put into Quizno's, and they are losing even more points in my book.

"Oh, we never got your order. And we're not delivering today."

When the hell DO they deliver? We met the requirements for delivery (our order was nearly $15)... we cancelled the order. Maybe its not so much that Quizno's is losing points (well it is...) its more like Campusfood losing points. Grr.

Streaming Radio Station that Rocks My Socks

Its found at Shoutcast. I've been listening to it for hours. Its alot of 90s rock, but that is what alot of my favorite music is. Ah... its like listening to my playlist, but... streaming online. Except its only faux paux so far is playing Tom Sawyer by Rush. *shudders*

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

blogger needs to go back to anonymous...

because this is the 4th blog I've... wait.. 5th blog I have. What is up with that? Oh I know what it is, you can't post anonymously anymore.... dorks.

Anyway I guess I can post yet more stuff here too... I'm interested in seeing how customizable it really is. We'll find out I suppose.

So anywho, I got home last night (Tuesday), drove through some snow to get back to Hays. Rather, mom drove through it. I'm trying to get around without my pain meds, and I seem to be doing better. I took a shower this morning which felt amazing. I got really tired though after eating lunch, so I took a nap (a three hour long nap!)... I walked a few laps around the house, folded some laundry, went upstairs, came back down... now i'm watching CSI. Yay for that!

Mom's making her fried chicken for dinner, I always like it when she does that.