Monday, June 27, 2005

Mission #63 - Read a Book in No More than Three Days

Mission #63: Read a book in no more than three days. (500pts)

So either I have too much time at work or... I neglected all duties after work today. I'm going to say its probably the after work issue.

I brought John Grisham's The King of Torts to work with me today and got through about a third of it. I came home and read the rest. This story has lots of legalese, and lots of numbers in the forms of money and statistics... and didn't keep my attention very well. Maybe if I studied my cousins, one a tax lawyer in Topeka for the state, the other studying at Wake Forest to be a Public Defender... I might have understood this one a bit more.

My review of the book is at

500 pts for reading a book (480 pages)
400 pts for reading it in one day
900 pts total.

Do I dare pick up that copy of The Partner from my shelf? Have I gone on a John Grisham/read what is on my shelves that I haven't read yet binge? We'll see. I probably won't, tomorrow is BW3s.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Mission #21: See Stuck on Broadway in concert

Mission #21 - See Stuck on Broadway in Concert (300 pts)

Friday night I went to Lawrence to see the Crowned Kings/Stuck on Broadway/The Famed/Ludo show. It was pretty good. I got my picture taken with Drew, one of the members of Stuck on Broadway.

Drew (from Stuck on Broadway), and myself. I missed this guy!!!

Mission #63 - Read a Book in No More than Three Days

Mission #63: Read a book in no more than three days. (500pts)

Today has been a seriously lazy day. Its nearly 7pm and I'm still in my pajamas... I got up around noon, my body saying "oh man what did you do to me last night?" (I was in Lawrence for the Crowned Kings/Stuck On Broadway/The Famed/Ludo show) and decided "I'm going to read another book."

I grabbed another book from my shelf that had yet to be read that had been sitting on my shelf for quite sometime. The Street Lawyer, by John Grisham, was my book of the day. I read the entire thing this afternoon in my pajamas and glasses, completely uninterrupted. My review of the book is at

500 pts for reading a book (it was 464 pages)
400 pts for reading it in one day
900 pts total.

Yay books. Kind of. I lost most of my Saturday :D

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Mission #98 - Dodgeball

Mission #98 - Watch a Movie (50pts)

So, watching yet another movie I had in my collection I had yet to watch, I watched Dodgeball, a True Underdog Story. Once again, most of the same people were in this that were in Anchorman, except for Wil Ferrel... and Luke Wilson thinking about it. But I love Vince Vaughn, I always have. He's never had quite the "choice" roles in movies, but he still plays them very well.

I think this movie was overall more funny than Anchorman. I think it was a little bit more well written, and seemed to flow better. I would recommend this one over the previous.

Dodgeball, A True Underdog Story.. much funnier than Anchorman, the Legend of Ron Burgundy.

Mission #98 - Anchorman

Mission #98 - Watch a Movie (50pts)

Today I felt like watching a few more movies today, so I watched Anchorman, The Legend of Ron Burgundy... I just got it in Netflix. It was alright, some good funny moments, but kind of slow. I think my favorite part would be the fight scene... there were soooo many guest stars in it, especially from the genre of movies that all of these people are in (Wil Ferrel, Luke Wilson (he's almost as hot as his brother), Ben Stiller, etc). I'm glad I rented this rather than buying it.

Anchorman, The Legend of Ron Burgundy was fairly funny, but it was in bursts.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The wonders of search engines

Not only am I big to find "Ben Kweller Pics" via Yahoo... apparently on AOL's search engine and Google, my blog is good to find the phrase "chimpanzee video smelling finger". Ahh the wonders of the internet.

Mission #98 - Galaxy Quest

Mission #98 - Watch a Movie (50pts)

I finally watched Galaxy Quest tonight.. it was on after I Spy (I LOVE THAT MOVIE. Rather, I LOVE OWEN WILSON THEREFORE LOVE I SPY.). I thought it was going to be hokey, and it was, but only because they were portraying a really campy show. Its not necessarily a movie I'd buy, but it was a nice one to watch tonight :D

The Famed - Knickerbockers Lincoln NE 6/17/05

Pics... a few pics anyway, from The Famed show in Lincoln last night. Click me, but make sure you have Flash.

Mission #98 - Wag The Dog

Mission #98 - Watch a Movie (50pts)

I watched Wag the Dog tonight, and I was pleasantly surprised. Although a bit slow in spots, I thought it was pretty interesting because it made me think of how much crap the gov't does that is actually a publicity stunt... and completely made up. I love watching Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman together. I think they could totally do an Odd Couple.

Wag the Dog

I give this movie.. 4 out of 5 stars :D

Mission #20 - See The Famed in Concert

Mission #20 - See The Famed in Concert (300pts)

Along with making the new vegan cookies and going to Lincoln, NE, the point of that was to see The Famed play at Knickerbockers on O Street. I got there just as they started their first song. I got told they thought I wasn't going to make it. But to their surprise... I was there! Sadly... I didn't know ANYONE but the guys there. This is really upsetting to me... I was the only one at the Manhattan shows I knew too. Where did the fans go? I even asked Groebe if they did something to piss everyone off, but he figured that its just that its not ABJ... and they definitely don't sound like ABJ, or people just don't know. *shrugs*

Wes, Bryan, me, Dave, Justin and Groebe (The Famed).

I do have some issues with this mission though because that'd be awkward to get a picture taken with them every show... that'd mean I'd need to bug them three times already since I've been to three of their shows. I have pictures of them AT the shows.. but not necessarily with me in them. Frustrating!

Anyway... yes. Good times, glad they're on the road again doing their thing :D

Mission #98 - Visit States

Mission #96 - Visit States (100pts)

I visited the great state of Nebraska (more specifically Lincoln, NE) on Friday night. It was an interesting drive between the mud flinging, the train that stopped me near Marysville, the lack of windshield wiper fluid, getting there as soon as The Famed started their fist song *phew!*... and then the drive back that was plagued with me nodding off at the wheel and actually making myself car sick (hello, the driver isn't supposed to get car sick!)... but luckily there were no bronotsauruses... brontosaurii... no dinosaurs pimp strutting across K-77 at least.

Mission #100 - Cook a New Food

Mission #100 - Cook a New Food

Because Groebe is picky and doesn't appreciate kickass chocolate chip cookies, and because I know a few of the guys in The Famed are vegan, I made a new vegan recipe for PB Cookies.

Vegan PB Cookies
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup oil
3/4 cups honey
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, roll the dough into 2-inch balls, place on an ungreased cookie sheet, and bake at 400°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

Okay so... my oven is a bit odd, we know this. They burned on the bottom and were still doughy on the inside. I found that if I flattened them, and only cooked them for 8 minutes, they weren't AS burned on the bottom, and more cooked throughout. I scraped the bottoms off... it was bad. I think the sugars in the honey was what burned it. If you like cookie dough, this cookie dough is AWESOME. I ate more uncooked cookies than cooked I think.

Not only did I have some of these, but surprise, Groebe, Wes, and Dave did as well. (Bryan and Justin were big on the chocolate chip ones)
50pts for the new recipe
50pts x 3 people
200 pts total.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Famed - PJ's Manhattan, KS 6/15/2005

I'm trying out a new toy... so bear with me. You'll need flash to view these... so.. go get flash first if you don't already have it. But come on, you need flash to play a lot of online games... so... you probably already have it.

Anyway the controls are at the bottom right corner of your browser window. The first button is an X, which closes all the buttons down in the controls. Click X again and they come back. Next is the ? button, which shows info on the images (which righ tnow is just for the image name). The third button is a bulleted list looking button, which kills off the thumbnails and scroll bar, click it again and they come back. Left arrow button goes to the previous picture. The next is the play button which turns on a slide show. Following that button is the stop button, which *gasp* stops the slide show. Finally there is a right arrow button which chooses the next picture.

It makes more sense when you see it.

Anyway... The Famed - PJs 6/15/2005

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Mission #100 - Cook a New Food

Mission #100 - Cook a New Food (50pts)

For Travis' 21st birthday, instead of getting him a present, I made him a cake since I'm poor like that. But honestly, I think the cake has added to my poverty level... but that is besides the point because everyone loved the cake. :D On top of making this new cake for 50pts, I get 50pts for each person that ate it... so... it was Travis, Curly, Kuffs, Bryant, Matt, Jimmie, Brandon, Nicole (a friend of Bryant and Travis), Nicole's friend I don't know, John, and Tom... (I ate piece #12 out of the pan.. I can't count me :( )

50 pts for cooking it
550 for people other than me eating it
thats.. 600 pts :D

Anyway... the recipe:

Kahlua Cake
1 pkg. chocolate cake mix
1/2 to 1 c. kahlua
2 pkgs. dark chocolate pudding
6 Heath or Skor bars (frozen)
1 lg. or 2 sm. Cool Whip

Mix and bake according to the directions. Then layer 1/2 cake, 1/2 kahlua, 1/2 pudding mix, 1/2 Cool Whip, break up 3 candy bars. Put into a glass bowl. Then repeat for second layer. Best if it's done 1 or 2 days before you serve it.

This cake was super easy to make. I mean, first of all... cake mix. But then the frosting was very easy to make as well. Just mix the cool whip with the kahlua and the pudding powder and heath bars... The hardest part was probably cutting the cake to have it be two layers. I used the thread method... and other than the fact the top piece broke into fourths while trying to put it on the first layer with frosting, it wasn't all that hard either. I do need to get a spatula sometime in the future if I'm going to make anything that needs to be spread like that again though :D Regardless, it had rave reviews, and Nicole said that if she gets married I have to make her cake (woo I'll get paid! haha). Matt was like "wait, what is in this, my tongue is a little tingly..." which was from the kahlua, but honestly its not enough to get anyone drunk, no worries on this. I'm calling this one a success.

I was going to get a picture before it got eaten, but it simply went that fast... this was all that was left...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Mission #69 - Visit a family member more than 50 miles away

Mission #69: Visit a family member more than 50 miles away. (500pts)

So, I'm totally not about reading things thoroughly since starting work... well I guess even before that as well. When I went home a few weekends back and saw Madagascar (the ticket stub shows I was in Hays) with my family... I was visiting family that was more than 50 miles away. Whoops.

So... I'm giving myself backdated points in a non-backdated post. I'm silly like that.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Mission #89 - Make Sun Tea

Mission #89 - Make Sun Tea (100pts)

So, in the past 5 days Manhattan has gotten over 4 inches of rain. Today, there was a break in the rain pattern, so I made some sun tea. Lemon Zinger to be more exact. And its tasty.

Lemon Zinger sun tea

Mission #92 - Go to a Zoo

Mission #92 - Go to a Zoo

Taking advantage of Manhattan's Sesquicentennial, the Sunset Zoo offered free admission. And with the nice break in the weather, Aaron and I headed to the zoo.

Colobus Monkeys - There was a baby born on May 19th! Mom was hiding it pretty well though.
Chocoan Peccary
Carribbean Flamingo
Mallard ducks - the machine to feed them was broken, otherwise I had a couple quarters in my pocket ready to go on this one!
Peacocks.. the staple of any zoo.
Asian Partridges
Reed Titi Monkeys

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Mission #83 - 1000 Points on the Photo Scavenger Hunt

Updated 6/18/05

Mission #83: 1000 points on the Photo Scavenger Hunt. (400pts)

1. sunset (100 pts.)
3. rain (100 pts.)
7. a hockey stick (50 pts.)
8. an alternate jersey for an nhl team (i.e. a non-home or away jersey) (100 pts.)
16. a non-Starbucks coffee shop (50 pts.)
20. a futon (50 pts.)
22. a medal or trophy (100 pts.)
23. wind blowing through leaves on a tree (150 pts.)
30. lobster (50 pts.)
33. a bamboo plant (50 pts.)
35. a wrist band (i.e. one of the "live strong" ones) with the motto clearly shown (50 pts.)
36. an origami crane (50 pts.)
49. a musical instrument (50 pts.)
50. a non-paper product that has kanji on it (ie. no books) (50 pts.)
54. a Minnesota state quarter (50 pts.)
57. a brightly colored, live bird (50 pts.)
58. a Vidalia onion (50 pts.)
60. a gas sign with prices advertised below $1.95 (100 pts.)
61. the moon during the night (50 pts.)

Total: 1300 points so far. Will keep updating.

Mission #73 - Jump Day

Mission #73 - Jump Day

Since Jump Day is in 2006... I still registered. I'm jumper #162,531,765!

Registration = 25 pts.

Mission #88 - Vidalia Onion Feast

Mission #88 - Vidalia Onion Feast (400pts)

First off, I would like to say I never want to cut another onion for at least... 3 and a half years.

My four dishes consisted of Zucchini Onion dip (for an appetizer), French Onion soup (another appetizer?), Potato and Onion Casserole, and Vidalia Onion Custard (and its not a dessert.) Seriously today I have cut just under 6 lbs of onions. I smell like sauteed onions, my stuff smells like sauteed onions, and my apartment smells like sauteed onions. I will post each recipe with notes about it, then the next with notes, and so on and so on.

Note: I do not have a real kitchen. Don't let me fool you into thinking this. I will note where having a real kitchen with work spaces and appliances would come in handy.

The first four pounds of onions I used....

Zucchini and Onion Dip
2 T margarine
2 medium zucchini, sliced
1 medium Vidalia onion, sliced
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/4 c cold water
1 cup skim milk, heated to boiling
3/4 c light sour cream
1/3 c grated Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon dried dillweed
1 teaspoon salt
dash red pepper

In a skillet, melt margarine med heat; cook zucchini with onion, 7 minutes or until very tender; set aside. In blender, sprinkle unflavored gelatin over cold water; let stand 2 minutes. Add hot milk and blend at low speed until gelatin is completely dissolved. Add sour cream, cheese, dill, salt, pepper, then zucchini mixture. Blend on high speed until smooth, about a minute. Pour into bowl; chill for about 2 to 4 hours, or until set. Whisk until smooth, then serve with bread sticks, crackers, or assorted vegetables

Notes: Okay. First major thing to note is that I want a blender for my birthday, I may see if we have an extra food processor at home, I think I got one from Grandma's house after she passed on. I have this nifty handpowered chopper/blender... thing... but for blending something smooth this isn't useful. I chopped up the stuff the best I could. Its chunky instead of smooth. Second thing of note: It didn't set up very well. I'd consider maybe putting in a second packet of gelatin maybe. Or maybe if it were blended better it would have made a difference. I tried it kind of soupy, and honestly I think this would make an awesome soup, minus the gelatin. I tried this stuff on carrots, and I think that would make a good addition TO the soup. Its pretty good on Ritz crackers as well. I think its too fancy to go on potato chips. Granted the recipe never said to put it on potato chips... Afterthought: I put it in the freezer, thinking my kitchen was too hot. It firmed up quite a bit after doing that.

Zucchini and onion dip.

French Onion Soup
8-10 large Vidalia onions
1/2 c butter or margarine
6 - 10 1/2 oz cans condensed beef broth
1 1/2 t. Worcestershire sauce
3 bay leaves
10 slices French bread, toasted
grated Parmesan and/or shredded Mozzarella cheese

Saute onions in butter until crisp-tender. Transfer to slow-cooker (aka crock pot). Add broth, Worcestershire sauce and bayleaves. Cover, cook on low 5-7 hours or until onions are tender. Discard bay leaves. Ladle into bowls. Top each with a slice of bread and some cheese.

Notes: I used beef bouillon instead of broth. I always have in this recipe. I couldn't get french bread, so I've used croutons before as well. My preference is to put the mozzarella in frozen so when it melts its all gooey and stringy.

French onion soup.

Potato and Onion Casserole
3 c sliced Vidalia onions
2 T butter or margarine
1/2 cup water
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 t crumbled leaf thyme
6 med potatoes, cooked and sliced
1 c shredded Cheddar cheese
1 can condensed cream of celery soup (10.5 ounces)

In a skillet, cook onions in butter until lightly browned. Add soup and water; season with salt and pepper and thyme. Arrange potatoes and 1/2 cup of the cheese in a buttered 2-quart casserole. Pour onion mixture over ingredients in casserole and top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350° for 15 to 20 minutes, or until heated through and lightly browned. Potato and onion casserole serves 4.

Notes: If time = money, its definitely true that thyme = money as well. I couldn't afford any, so I didn't put it in. It still seems pretty tasty without it. I didn't cook my potatoes long enough before putting it all together, so they're kind of crispy still. I wasn't sure exactly how to prepare "6 medium potatoes, cooked and sliced" so I microwaved them. Something tells me that probably wasn't right. The bottom of this casserole was very soupy from.. the soup mixture. It was a good gravy on it though. I think it could have easily used more onions.. maybe up it to four cups.

the Custard is on the left, and the large mass on the right is the Casserole.

Vidalia Onion Custard
4 lg Vidalia onions (6 med), halved and thinly sliced
4 T butter
1 C milk
2 lg eggs plus 1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 t ground nutmeg
Pepper, to taste
chopped chives or green onion for garnish

In a large skillet over medium heat, cook onions in butter, stirring occasionally, until soft and golden in color. Let onions cool to room temperature. In a large bowl, whisk together milk, eggs and egg yolk, salt, nutmeg and pepper. Add cooked onions; stir well. Transfer to a well-buttered 1 1/2-quart baking dish or large deep-dish pie plate. Bake at 325° oven 40 to 50 minutes, or until lightly golden and a clean knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Sprinkle with chives or green onion. Serve hot.

Notes: I had no clue what to expect on this one. Its actually pretty good, but I couldn't eat a whole lot of it at once. Of course after all this oniony stuff.. yikes. Its pretty tasty though. I think I would consider next time rinsing off the onions to get the extra butter off of them after cooking. It was very watery at the bottom. Another appliance moment: I had to put my oven at about 400 for about an hour and 10 minutes. My oven is a piece.

Okay... so that is the tale of my Vidalia Onion Feast. Unfortunately I've got a ton of leftovers, so my feast should continue the next few days. Ugh. Words from the wise: Don't do this mission if you live by yourself, or else I really hope you like onions.